The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower
This show is brought to you by "Who Cares?" the anti-apathy company. When the world needs your help, who cares is the answer.
There was a man who sold the Eiffel tower 3 times.
Took out an ad saying there would be an auction of steel from the tower renovations, which the newspaper had written about.
Men came to the auction, and bid. The winner paid, and he was "stiffed" of his metal. The con man studied the newspaper and saw no article reporting the sham. Of course! The man had been too embarrassed, so he had not told anyone. He took out another ad in another place...
On the fourth time he was reported to the authorities.
Governance should be a number one information organ for all of us, they have experts on the job who perhaps see more.
To be serious in your writing buy 20 stamped envelopes for your first queries.
Realities are Connection Machines for forces and energy.
We are not looking for the no's in life; there are thousands of reasons things don't happen. We are looking for the yes and should devote our attentions there, to make it happen, to create it into existence by sheer will and hands.
You attract energies by design of the social group interaction, and by accident. Things happen and later you see why they happened.
We shall develop programs and ideas in collaborations, creative action philosophies. The pieces on the board are presently set up incorrectly, and not to maximum benefit of all. We can do this, as a creative front of obvious merit.
Not all of life is algorithm and formula. Much of life is by invention and discovery; leave yourself open to innovation and direct creation.
Harold Carney was a 35-year old man in grade 8 at St. Anthony's in Detroit. He studied martial arts and had a 5 of-the-clock beard at 3:30! His stomach was so developed it was like punching a wall, and he encouraged us to hit him in the stomach when we had a rough day. When it was really bad, he brought out a bat and we would strike him. Sure enough, we felt better. My first athletic experience was being in right field and catching a mile high pop up in right field for the out. It gave me confidence, that ball looks like a bean when you look from below.
Information to both unblock you and help you overcome obstacles with problem solving, send us email. Living your dreams for you? OK, you walk my dog! Regain your lost ideals with us, we are believers in the power of the word, it transmits the power of the ages, of the first 100 B to walk the Earth.
We don't deal with problems, we deal with solutions. Reality Menus come your way from the world of creativity, of which we are all a part. You are shown how to select from those menus with the coin of passion, the coin of purchase in life.
The lines blur between celebrity and non-celebrity in the future. Christ, I am out of aperitif towels!
I am haunted by the sight of your greatness in the absence of your presence.
A world's fair can be a community world's fair.
Where are the secrets of the ancients, the history we are not being told? If you have met historians you know they are politicized and like other academics, is restricted to varying degrees from displaying original thought outside established circles, for this is their coin. Some of the histories are fantasies, only to form images in our minds. 100 B people have walked the Earth, the same number as starts in the Milky Way: for each that ever lived, there shines a star.
What is that tall building obelisk if not a walking path to the stars?
There is a foggy thick lens of societal prescriptions in our eyes, all the societies place something in front of the eye, a social script, a way to behave in common situations, a knowledge of common sense in common situations. Some are more empowering than others.
Problem reviews are more political/money than heart/imagination.
The superior information is often right there next to what is given as such. Question your education.
Some forces of restraint, of which some are of a negative nature, have kept clarifications from being more readily available, and are skewing human mental behavior away from the very solutions and straight into their problems.
The contexts and situations the human finds themselves in are more commonly known now, where is the wisdom of the others that have lived?
Our answers are in the form of maps and inventions; get your popcorn.
To also be creative and well meaning to some degree shows that vision has enabled and coupled to a happy mood.
To see is to see clearly, and not through the foggy incomplete lens of societal general person information. The superior information is right there alongside, why not give it to everyone? Then, we give the emotional support and the hands on support.
At first we deal with the problem, then the solution emerges; the solution to every problem is contained within the problem itself, so we look for connectors from the given to the solution. Connection theory shows this to be simple set to set mapping, so there must be a connector in each set.
Place your products on store shelves for sale.
"...the rubber-sheet sculptor I'd invented had given me this imagination, and it led all the way back to the central galactic library. Once I had united some new physics with my own intuitions my philosopher's stone would open and be applied correctly."
"I awoke in pain, and saw hundreds of bodies near me in the dark stillness of death; I'd been shot."
What blind hypnotic force would have denied all these well-meaning persons of the opportunity to see their world, know every theme by map and connection, enjoy the benefits of Connection Theory, the dominant theme of reality. How are they shown to create and turn on super-creativity? Their connected minds can yield advanced data bases, but do they? They can become the tide that raises all ships if they would just assemble in a deocratic way: they are individuals, as well as parts of a group identity. Givers of light and hope is what they hope to become, the future visionaries of the world.
Missing Link found! The transition human between sub human and civilized human has been found, and it is us.
Cuban people are quick learners, motivators, of help and service to others out of the factory. We know that intelligence multiplies abundance.
A thumbtack with duct tape on the snooze button prevents excessive use of it.
The groups that can really help have been dimmed down by the politics of their jobs.
The idea was for you to learn the truly elementary in elementary school and arrive at the specialized skills training center healthy, wealthy, and desirous of being of service to others. Game on.
Excerpt from "The Cuba I Remember" ...I could speak fluently at 2, started my first business at 4 (stool factory with door to door sales), first invention at 5 (new kind paper airplane), had read 600 books by the time I was 9 and came to America by my damn self, thank you very much. Began public speaking career about Cuba in high schools and universities at 10. Won spelling bees in other countries. Remember: 4 out of 3 people can't do basic math.
The media has spiritual laryngitis. How can they not report in sections and columns on how to make more money to get to $20,000, and how to improve social situations in neighborhoods to get the maximum safety, comfort, and sense of community by information sharing? How can there not be constant contests on our most important questions?
Inventory and overviews help us see the world better.
Meanwhile, the counter intelligence orders another drink at the bar..
The front cortex processor has been tampered with by the Money Monster. In general you are not getting the right air, food, or sleep.
Myself I become annoyed at city maps that say, "You are here." Of course I am! I am lost, help me!
So I back up to read what the sign said, and it said don't back up, severe tire damage!
The advanced comprehension complexes can supersede the dictates of tribal presets.
Diamond Consciousness can initiate new scanning montage maps formed from the association/contrast mechanism
You make more and more by working less and less and starting new companies. The small business owners learn the business in one two years, then sneak out the back to start other ones, or play tennis and golf.
I bought a great palm tree for the house for only $20. Other ones, just like it, were across the room for $150. Why the difference, I asked. Yours is used! Returned from new plant rentals!
Personal brochure has two sides:
side 1 Your GOOD NEWS for them
side 2 Abilities you market, products you sell
New modes of thought are found here. We want to shine the light on visionary world authors, thinkers, and new clever innovative ways of thought.
Glial cells are 50% of the brain volume. Progenitor cells make neurons, then glial cells.
One progenitor makes neurons with myelin sheaths.
At the top of your brain you have pink astrocyte cells, no myelin. Below is a layer of white matter cabling.
Axons split into branches and bind to cell body on other axons. The dendritic spines are knobs on dendrites' sides.
Voxel: 1 mm^3 of brain volume. A grain of rice is 8 Voxels.
The frontal lobe sees information from the rear - Krick and Peace
Consciousness is batch-continuous.
Americans pay cash or do without; they do not incur unnecessary debt, was the original way.
Creativity is in the same state of limbo like reading was 500 years ago. It was then thought that only some, some of the sons of noblemen could learn to read and write. Now that we have developed the techniques of transmission for the knowledge, we feel all can or should be able to read and write.
Same with Creativity today: we have not yet developed the transmission methods of the techniques by which creativity in outlook and mind can be installed in consciousness. Creativity is our problem solving ability at work and we neglect its learning by children.
We are in an ocean of light, a sea of photons called space. Space can create positive or negative waves for the human receiver. Positive mental energy is created there. Is there a co-existence state like cells dividing?
Children and adults both should be in rich, stimulating, positive energy environments. This widens perspective and generates information on other positive environments and stimuli. This creates a more powerful vocabulary by which to form powerful metaphors. A more powerful "mental map" is created. A more stimulating rich experience is had, this leads to broadening of horizons. The whole cycle starts all over again, a machine generating positive mental energy PME.
The environments have to be positive and rich in experience for all of us, stimulating and varied, eclectic beyond entertainment.
All the research shows this helps a person, to be in a better environment, and that the opposite, to be in a bad environment, hurts the person.
There was a man who sold the Eiffel tower 3 times.
Took out an ad saying there would be an auction of steel from the tower renovations, which the newspaper had written about.
Men came to the auction, and bid. The winner paid, and he was "stiffed" of his metal. The con man studied the newspaper and saw no article reporting the sham. Of course! The man had been too embarrassed, so he had not told anyone. He took out another ad in another place...
On the fourth time he was reported to the authorities.
Governance should be a number one information organ for all of us, they have experts on the job who perhaps see more.
To be serious in your writing buy 20 stamped envelopes for your first queries.
Realities are Connection Machines for forces and energy.
We are not looking for the no's in life; there are thousands of reasons things don't happen. We are looking for the yes and should devote our attentions there, to make it happen, to create it into existence by sheer will and hands.
You attract energies by design of the social group interaction, and by accident. Things happen and later you see why they happened.
We shall develop programs and ideas in collaborations, creative action philosophies. The pieces on the board are presently set up incorrectly, and not to maximum benefit of all. We can do this, as a creative front of obvious merit.
Not all of life is algorithm and formula. Much of life is by invention and discovery; leave yourself open to innovation and direct creation.
Harold Carney was a 35-year old man in grade 8 at St. Anthony's in Detroit. He studied martial arts and had a 5 of-the-clock beard at 3:30! His stomach was so developed it was like punching a wall, and he encouraged us to hit him in the stomach when we had a rough day. When it was really bad, he brought out a bat and we would strike him. Sure enough, we felt better. My first athletic experience was being in right field and catching a mile high pop up in right field for the out. It gave me confidence, that ball looks like a bean when you look from below.
Information to both unblock you and help you overcome obstacles with problem solving, send us email. Living your dreams for you? OK, you walk my dog! Regain your lost ideals with us, we are believers in the power of the word, it transmits the power of the ages, of the first 100 B to walk the Earth.
We don't deal with problems, we deal with solutions. Reality Menus come your way from the world of creativity, of which we are all a part. You are shown how to select from those menus with the coin of passion, the coin of purchase in life.
The lines blur between celebrity and non-celebrity in the future. Christ, I am out of aperitif towels!
I am haunted by the sight of your greatness in the absence of your presence.
A world's fair can be a community world's fair.
Where are the secrets of the ancients, the history we are not being told? If you have met historians you know they are politicized and like other academics, is restricted to varying degrees from displaying original thought outside established circles, for this is their coin. Some of the histories are fantasies, only to form images in our minds. 100 B people have walked the Earth, the same number as starts in the Milky Way: for each that ever lived, there shines a star.
What is that tall building obelisk if not a walking path to the stars?
There is a foggy thick lens of societal prescriptions in our eyes, all the societies place something in front of the eye, a social script, a way to behave in common situations, a knowledge of common sense in common situations. Some are more empowering than others.
Problem reviews are more political/money than heart/imagination.
The superior information is often right there next to what is given as such. Question your education.
Some forces of restraint, of which some are of a negative nature, have kept clarifications from being more readily available, and are skewing human mental behavior away from the very solutions and straight into their problems.
The contexts and situations the human finds themselves in are more commonly known now, where is the wisdom of the others that have lived?
Our answers are in the form of maps and inventions; get your popcorn.
To also be creative and well meaning to some degree shows that vision has enabled and coupled to a happy mood.
To see is to see clearly, and not through the foggy incomplete lens of societal general person information. The superior information is right there alongside, why not give it to everyone? Then, we give the emotional support and the hands on support.
At first we deal with the problem, then the solution emerges; the solution to every problem is contained within the problem itself, so we look for connectors from the given to the solution. Connection theory shows this to be simple set to set mapping, so there must be a connector in each set.
Place your products on store shelves for sale.
"...the rubber-sheet sculptor I'd invented had given me this imagination, and it led all the way back to the central galactic library. Once I had united some new physics with my own intuitions my philosopher's stone would open and be applied correctly."
"I awoke in pain, and saw hundreds of bodies near me in the dark stillness of death; I'd been shot."
What blind hypnotic force would have denied all these well-meaning persons of the opportunity to see their world, know every theme by map and connection, enjoy the benefits of Connection Theory, the dominant theme of reality. How are they shown to create and turn on super-creativity? Their connected minds can yield advanced data bases, but do they? They can become the tide that raises all ships if they would just assemble in a deocratic way: they are individuals, as well as parts of a group identity. Givers of light and hope is what they hope to become, the future visionaries of the world.
Missing Link found! The transition human between sub human and civilized human has been found, and it is us.
Cuban people are quick learners, motivators, of help and service to others out of the factory. We know that intelligence multiplies abundance.
A thumbtack with duct tape on the snooze button prevents excessive use of it.
The groups that can really help have been dimmed down by the politics of their jobs.
The idea was for you to learn the truly elementary in elementary school and arrive at the specialized skills training center healthy, wealthy, and desirous of being of service to others. Game on.
Excerpt from "The Cuba I Remember" ...I could speak fluently at 2, started my first business at 4 (stool factory with door to door sales), first invention at 5 (new kind paper airplane), had read 600 books by the time I was 9 and came to America by my damn self, thank you very much. Began public speaking career about Cuba in high schools and universities at 10. Won spelling bees in other countries. Remember: 4 out of 3 people can't do basic math.
The media has spiritual laryngitis. How can they not report in sections and columns on how to make more money to get to $20,000, and how to improve social situations in neighborhoods to get the maximum safety, comfort, and sense of community by information sharing? How can there not be constant contests on our most important questions?
Inventory and overviews help us see the world better.
Meanwhile, the counter intelligence orders another drink at the bar..
The front cortex processor has been tampered with by the Money Monster. In general you are not getting the right air, food, or sleep.
Myself I become annoyed at city maps that say, "You are here." Of course I am! I am lost, help me!
So I back up to read what the sign said, and it said don't back up, severe tire damage!
The advanced comprehension complexes can supersede the dictates of tribal presets.
Diamond Consciousness can initiate new scanning montage maps formed from the association/contrast mechanism
You make more and more by working less and less and starting new companies. The small business owners learn the business in one two years, then sneak out the back to start other ones, or play tennis and golf.
I bought a great palm tree for the house for only $20. Other ones, just like it, were across the room for $150. Why the difference, I asked. Yours is used! Returned from new plant rentals!
Personal brochure has two sides:
side 1 Your GOOD NEWS for them
side 2 Abilities you market, products you sell
New modes of thought are found here. We want to shine the light on visionary world authors, thinkers, and new clever innovative ways of thought.
Glial cells are 50% of the brain volume. Progenitor cells make neurons, then glial cells.
One progenitor makes neurons with myelin sheaths.
At the top of your brain you have pink astrocyte cells, no myelin. Below is a layer of white matter cabling.
Axons split into branches and bind to cell body on other axons. The dendritic spines are knobs on dendrites' sides.
Voxel: 1 mm^3 of brain volume. A grain of rice is 8 Voxels.
The frontal lobe sees information from the rear - Krick and Peace
Consciousness is batch-continuous.
Americans pay cash or do without; they do not incur unnecessary debt, was the original way.
Creativity is in the same state of limbo like reading was 500 years ago. It was then thought that only some, some of the sons of noblemen could learn to read and write. Now that we have developed the techniques of transmission for the knowledge, we feel all can or should be able to read and write.
Same with Creativity today: we have not yet developed the transmission methods of the techniques by which creativity in outlook and mind can be installed in consciousness. Creativity is our problem solving ability at work and we neglect its learning by children.
We are in an ocean of light, a sea of photons called space. Space can create positive or negative waves for the human receiver. Positive mental energy is created there. Is there a co-existence state like cells dividing?
Children and adults both should be in rich, stimulating, positive energy environments. This widens perspective and generates information on other positive environments and stimuli. This creates a more powerful vocabulary by which to form powerful metaphors. A more powerful "mental map" is created. A more stimulating rich experience is had, this leads to broadening of horizons. The whole cycle starts all over again, a machine generating positive mental energy PME.
The environments have to be positive and rich in experience for all of us, stimulating and varied, eclectic beyond entertainment.
All the research shows this helps a person, to be in a better environment, and that the opposite, to be in a bad environment, hurts the person.