The Progression From Birth to Genius
Our effort in this brief space is for me to figure out what I have to give to you, freely, as friends.
In Cuba you treat strangers like friends, friends like family, and family like royalty. This is the way of our island paradise. It helps that we are all one people sharing one culture and eating 100 fruits and vegetables, not 29 like are found just miles away.
First, a caveat: we solve the problems of life only to find them to have taken on another form, and must be solved all over again. That is the adventure in life! Nothing stands still, not even time.
We start out tabula rasa, a blank slate. An impressionable sponge we are, for water will turn out to play a much more integral part in our understanding of the brain-mind mechanism than we are presently aware of. Big shout-out to 2046, when this is discovered.
Our systems turn on at birth, we begin to scan with eye, ear, and the touch of electronic fields.
There comes a time, a startling time, at around 2 when you are born. I remember the first day, since I possess eidetic recall.
I look to the right and notice, in the interior language of colors and tones, that there is an in front and a behind the camera, and that what was behind it was me.
It was the first time the overflow of what I had been scanning caused a loop that enabled me to access consciously, for 13 seconds, what I had just seen and review it or make an observation about it. As it turned out, I had been scanning language as well as imagery, and could speak sentences (see The Cuba I Remember).
First stupid, stupid, prototype for Miniature Golfer
You begin to learn, and at issue is retention of knowledge, and whether your short-term memory can remain open to review 4 files (one can be a list) for 3,4 seconds or to the academic standard of 13-15 seconds for those 4 files, to make them overlap and connect in parts in your imagination.
Then, organically, meaning fractal movement through a medium, the human zig zags, and upgrades by parleys.
So too our minds. The 7 M processor that keeps all your organs and biochemical processes going was already there, but not the Mind. This needs to be trained, and there must be some joy at doing it, not a distaste, but a beckoning, for.
The World is a stranger, which beckons from afar.
For reasons even more than above (we were not pushing the right buttons, as 2080 knows!) we arrive at the progression of the Yin.
Tabula Rasa (blank slate in Latin)
Smart at learning, or does not really like to learn, or does so grudgingly.
Eclectic Smart, you discover that you like to study more than one thing, as in high school, which should be life program patterns.
Intelligent, the sum of the smart fields, or the speed with which you respond to questions within the one field you are going deep immersion on.
The "Smart Fields" are 7, and the chairman of the board, your Diamond Consciousness exchequer, is number 8. There are 8 sets of eyes using your eyes to look out your head. They are looking for things, and can be as illogical as a woman trying on dresses. It is all agenda-driven.
Smart Fields and the memories that remember them
Kinesthetic (sports)
Interpersonal (social)
Intrapersonal (self-knowledge)
Spatial (balance and innate sense of location)
Number 8 is your actual intelligence, the executive manager from you, from within and not the outside. This is the Diamond Consciousness
Super-Intelligence means either you excel within a group of intelligent people, or that you can apply fluid intelligence mental mechanics everywhere. You fly, yes, but in your mind.
All these groups so far have been receiving data sets A or B, on or off, black and white of things.
There is more to the spectrum, but the patterns were started by concrete thinkers who do not sum in creative clever fashion the products of all 200 places where humans are found. We are doing this with the GoFund me and Kickstarter, for I clearly see I have been denying all of us the world. I need some help on this, contact me. You get TWO free books from the selection.
There are for example, 8 colors, not just black or white, the spectrum has: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet, and this implies: look at the whole world for the answers, not just provincially.
By denying you sight, they (meaning: the programming environments you are in, their emanations), are trying to not "confuse" you, and are sure they are "steering you" in the "right" direction. Show me the entire candy sampler of the world, let me taste the world and its offerings, let me make up my mind.
Inside a "tiny home" the size of a garage.
Genius: finds the genie-in-us clear, fast, transmissions between conscious and subconscious. Brings something new into the world, not just "super smart" unless this is the genius in the making. And the world is so denying of this kind of person! Give us all the genius program, and the billionaire program, and the super hero programs, what are we waiting for! (Jesus, this is clearly time-vault literature).
Super-Genius: the simultaneous problem solver that does it several times in various fields, improving everything. Bumping, humping, out of control!
And you thought one-cell organisms were boring, here is the great great of them all.
I suppose we did save the best for last:
Magical super-genius, the one that gets it done, but his or her methods are little understood (of course: they invent their own words and sciences as tools to solve further problems).
Atop a mountain, looking down at these characters sits the Oracle trained to answer questions and reveal destinies, but only if the question comes from the heart.
Alfonso will see you out, please watch your head
Keep studying always and you only get smarter or more intelligent, especially after 30. So much defeats us! We need a positive personal energy and sense of self, and the ability to set our own way, to do so.
Final note: It is easier to have the above if you always had your own parallel program of study and reading. This expands your mind dramatically, may lead you to happiness, and happiness leads to service: Service knocks on the door of your conscience and says: It's time. Let's go.
Cover for my book, The Living and the Dead
In Cuba you treat strangers like friends, friends like family, and family like royalty. This is the way of our island paradise. It helps that we are all one people sharing one culture and eating 100 fruits and vegetables, not 29 like are found just miles away.
First, a caveat: we solve the problems of life only to find them to have taken on another form, and must be solved all over again. That is the adventure in life! Nothing stands still, not even time.
We start out tabula rasa, a blank slate. An impressionable sponge we are, for water will turn out to play a much more integral part in our understanding of the brain-mind mechanism than we are presently aware of. Big shout-out to 2046, when this is discovered.
Our systems turn on at birth, we begin to scan with eye, ear, and the touch of electronic fields.
There comes a time, a startling time, at around 2 when you are born. I remember the first day, since I possess eidetic recall.
I look to the right and notice, in the interior language of colors and tones, that there is an in front and a behind the camera, and that what was behind it was me.
It was the first time the overflow of what I had been scanning caused a loop that enabled me to access consciously, for 13 seconds, what I had just seen and review it or make an observation about it. As it turned out, I had been scanning language as well as imagery, and could speak sentences (see The Cuba I Remember).
First stupid, stupid, prototype for Miniature Golfer
You begin to learn, and at issue is retention of knowledge, and whether your short-term memory can remain open to review 4 files (one can be a list) for 3,4 seconds or to the academic standard of 13-15 seconds for those 4 files, to make them overlap and connect in parts in your imagination.
Then, organically, meaning fractal movement through a medium, the human zig zags, and upgrades by parleys.
So too our minds. The 7 M processor that keeps all your organs and biochemical processes going was already there, but not the Mind. This needs to be trained, and there must be some joy at doing it, not a distaste, but a beckoning, for.
The World is a stranger, which beckons from afar.
For reasons even more than above (we were not pushing the right buttons, as 2080 knows!) we arrive at the progression of the Yin.
Tabula Rasa (blank slate in Latin)
Smart at learning, or does not really like to learn, or does so grudgingly.
Eclectic Smart, you discover that you like to study more than one thing, as in high school, which should be life program patterns.
Intelligent, the sum of the smart fields, or the speed with which you respond to questions within the one field you are going deep immersion on.
The "Smart Fields" are 7, and the chairman of the board, your Diamond Consciousness exchequer, is number 8. There are 8 sets of eyes using your eyes to look out your head. They are looking for things, and can be as illogical as a woman trying on dresses. It is all agenda-driven.
Smart Fields and the memories that remember them
Kinesthetic (sports)
Interpersonal (social)
Intrapersonal (self-knowledge)
Spatial (balance and innate sense of location)
Number 8 is your actual intelligence, the executive manager from you, from within and not the outside. This is the Diamond Consciousness
Nightclub, 2076
Super-Intelligence means either you excel within a group of intelligent people, or that you can apply fluid intelligence mental mechanics everywhere. You fly, yes, but in your mind.
All these groups so far have been receiving data sets A or B, on or off, black and white of things.
There is more to the spectrum, but the patterns were started by concrete thinkers who do not sum in creative clever fashion the products of all 200 places where humans are found. We are doing this with the GoFund me and Kickstarter, for I clearly see I have been denying all of us the world. I need some help on this, contact me. You get TWO free books from the selection.
There are for example, 8 colors, not just black or white, the spectrum has: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet, and this implies: look at the whole world for the answers, not just provincially.
By denying you sight, they (meaning: the programming environments you are in, their emanations), are trying to not "confuse" you, and are sure they are "steering you" in the "right" direction. Show me the entire candy sampler of the world, let me taste the world and its offerings, let me make up my mind.
Inside a "tiny home" the size of a garage.
Genius: finds the genie-in-us clear, fast, transmissions between conscious and subconscious. Brings something new into the world, not just "super smart" unless this is the genius in the making. And the world is so denying of this kind of person! Give us all the genius program, and the billionaire program, and the super hero programs, what are we waiting for! (Jesus, this is clearly time-vault literature).
Super-Genius: the simultaneous problem solver that does it several times in various fields, improving everything. Bumping, humping, out of control!
And you thought one-cell organisms were boring, here is the great great of them all.
I suppose we did save the best for last:
Magical super-genius, the one that gets it done, but his or her methods are little understood (of course: they invent their own words and sciences as tools to solve further problems).
Atop a mountain, looking down at these characters sits the Oracle trained to answer questions and reveal destinies, but only if the question comes from the heart.
Alfonso will see you out, please watch your head
Keep studying always and you only get smarter or more intelligent, especially after 30. So much defeats us! We need a positive personal energy and sense of self, and the ability to set our own way, to do so.
Final note: It is easier to have the above if you always had your own parallel program of study and reading. This expands your mind dramatically, may lead you to happiness, and happiness leads to service: Service knocks on the door of your conscience and says: It's time. Let's go.
Cover for my book, The Living and the Dead