Our Spiritual Balloons Have Burst

Care is only found in the heart. The 15 environments you find yourself in over the course of your life journey leave their impression on you, literally. Their biochemical impressions on our memory and distribution of images and collage systems. 

The principal 5 environments of the 15 are: Family (they get the story 30 years late), financial situation (not your fault), schools (teachers are politicized, cannot speak and are told not to show you how to do business, in your own country! It is all job training except in Ivy League schools where they show you how to own the company. 

You are programmed like this: 

Looks: good, bad, neutral
Energy: High, Low, mid
Mind: enjoy learning or say what again?
Spirit: Up, down, relatively unaware of
Social Pattern: drink, not drink, outgoing, more stay at home
Exercise: all the time, sometimes, seldom or none
Time: have a lot, or none at all, some
Money: Wealth on demand, broke, poor
Planetary Service: all in, hate it, or say what?

Electronic Surveillance does not see Spirit

Increase your time, your pattern recognition, your awareness, increase your humanity towards the ideals and virtues of Self-realization and Enlightenment. The energy comes later, from your diet and workouts, your stress reductions. 


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