World Communicator

World Communicator is existing before our very eyes, which supports the illusion idea. This also has Opportunity Index ideas, not yet finished, needs your input and thought. Be part of a unique research. 

My friends play a game and they are speaking with people from all over the world: Is there some reason the same device is not used to exchange information, Opportunity Indices? What an uncaring world, when I  saw this I saw a device that can put anyone in touch with anyone to: 

We have import export idea or can sell products.

We sell this and need to buy this from your country

Family channel: how do you solve this problem in your country, or two

Adventure channel: what kinds of fun adventures are there over there, which ones can I do from here?

Information exchange channel: listings change

                 (knock on door) "Remember me?"

By now you have the Complete World Picture View on your TV, and you have your personal world view, which equals a personal universe.

There is a sum of your mental gravitational data bases to create your Mental Data Base, you "lean" a certain way, are inclined by their force. In Chaos, this may be a strange attractor, a pull to certain activities or pre-dispositions or both. 

We upgrade the old world view with a more complete menu of selection which includes the art, invention, writing, and general creativity of thought and expression. Jokes too. Creativity is not what we have been taught to think in our minds, and this is troubling. No one from the creative community knew what a power they have and have always had, to blend thoughts seamlessly and make more thoughts, if trained and inclined to think by the strange attractors. Is that a better name for the band, Strange Attractors? Your vote really counts. 

        Alex Ortega, singer for The Mad letting loose, circa 2045
                 (From his Al-bum "I'll Take You For a Ride")

Relies on optimizing human performance  and cooperative performance. Collaboration is a key foundation in getting the Idea Factories (how we wake them up is another blog 600 pages) stimulated to produce thought, champion themes, discuss valuable topics, not just sandwiches. 

Incidentally, don't give up on your dreams: The Earl of Sandwich, for a year, put the meat on the outside. 

We re-establish strong personal individuality in order to be able to cooperate, to report front and center to this fun mission: to see our power to amaze ourselves, to blaze into the glory of being of service to others, to see that indeed, we did count. That we did good as a team of thinkers, as fired up Idea Factories and promoters of thought, good ideas for all: the free source of energy we always speak about but no, we talk about the one that takes money and makes money, instead of thinking, of asking for thought.

                          Enormous statues

 Commercialization of everything is screwing things up, but buy my cards and books anyways, go ahead, visit the website, see you in the lobby or  pop-up coffee shop on demand. 

Now that was a wise selection. DGI utilizes Ideals as a principal tool during Extinction 6, where 25 species of animal and 100 of plant vanish daily. 

There were once 12 apples, now about 4 in just 100 years; this is rotten to the core. 

Ideals are the means of gaining strength of vision and resolve. 

World Communicator, or World-comm as we call it when we let our hair down at the office, enhances the senses in particular seeing, feelings, hearing, and touch; it creates more choice and chance for solutions. It creates methods. 

You crash land on an alien planet but lucky you there is oxygen, food and water, what are your actions? Look for more advanced civilization?

                             Ghost Marathon

4 out of 3 people cannot do basic math. 

How may you develop your Mind? Studies? Overviews? Reading? Problem-Solving? Turning on Super-Creativity and fluid intelligence? Enhance your human effects. 

How are the expressions of Art and talents like music shown in your country? Enchant us if you can. 

              Sad day when my ice cream cone fell to the ground

What is the popular consciousness regarding sports, health, fitness, and diet? Where are the places where sports are played and how accessible are these to the people?

What are the ideals and innovations at play, the seeking of innovation by press and media, their voices. Where are there public areas, where are the very beautiful places? These are all questions you can ask with World Comm, 195 countries (Only $16.95 for the basic universal translator rental)

                  Bike trail for super-creatives

Where do people go? Are they sociable, do they seek each other out? How do they rate on the Portecolone scale of sociability?

How do you maximize the local individual's ability to make money in his locale at-a-distance? List the small businesses of which they can have many at once with careful management. 

How do the locals find or create products to sell, services found there which might be unusual? Then you both make money across the internet. 

What is the commute to the local cities? Establish your dealer network in Luxembourg, do you think I am kidding? Do you see this at-a-distance thing happening for you? 

                    Car front wheel, circa 2039

What I like is this idea of renting a mansion with pool, tennis court, near the beach and cook that brings the food every day all for $1000 a month in central Caribbean countries. 

How complete is their knowledge of international and local smaller business? What are their scales for sustainment and how complex is the task of maintaining one's life?

                   Car rear wheel, circa 2039

Where are the meditative places of power? Where are the vistas of excellence for spiritual centering and can you send me a T-shirt and coffee mug? 

Do they have Green Machines, that is dissemination of social improvement ideas and money-making ideas available from a dispenser or computer at busy pedestrian streets? Do they collect the solutions internationally?

                       How to get organized

How set up are the people to travel to other places in their countries, and to other countries?

How is transportation? Mozart took the bus. Where are the areas where the life takes place? How do the different neighborhoods connect?

Do they have cooperative social media that seeks out the innovative thinkers and promotes problem solving collectively, asking all the people, perhaps with prizes where each person in America donates one cent for the prize?  The tax form would say: check here if you want to donate one cent for contests on solving problems.

       Disruptive behavior: Objects in mirror larger than they appear

What are the interesting local special projects, social events during the year?

For the Human, there is a universe of mental data bases with mental pulls. They can steer us sometimes, guide our thoughts and actions. 

Above, with a more complete expansion of max-min parameters, forms a union of thought between a personal world view and the complete world picture view. They are antipodes. This "Opportunity Index" is composed of all 195 countries and the 6-10 island country territories and Puerto Rico.

                             3 D Ice Cream  

Finally for today, for DGI has much to do, we inform you that the meaning of the word subtle is not so obvious.


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