
Virtues are


And they are emotion-enabling states, if you feel it you can probably do it. 

3 Components of Adventure: 

Doing something new and exciting with or without new people, perhaps in a new place. 

Great people are not war mongers, they further civilization. 

No speculations deserve the facts and reason they seem to imply. 

Progress in Science and Art assures happiness, a fulfillment for which their natures are destined.

A humanitarian society is greater than the brutality it may contain.

Each individual is born a corporation, corpus

We can jump start super-creativity in coffee shops, small restaurants, bookstore, and libraries with exhibitions. 

BART and buses, light rail, becomes schools for making money ideas and ideas on social dealings in neighborhoods, as written by the thinkers and writers of the SF Bay Area.

There is a need for the return of the door to door Pamphleteer, an American tradition. 

Detoxify your body and then leave it alone. 

Each one of us has four faces: the face we show, the one which is seen, the one we believe to be true, and the one that is true. 

We must find our lost hopes and trust them. 

For many, their destiny is to walk alone. 

The most skilled predators conceal themselves until the moment of the kill. 

One of the most precious gifts we can give another is a wonderful memory

"If you stay in one place long enough, the world comes to you" --unknown

The influence of emotion, tribal receptor-processors, fear, money, sex, food, drugs, and music all sum up to create the motivation you have, why the brain goes as it goes and directs the actions it does. 

Each moment presents all of existence.

Is matter a projection of space of some form?

He did not wash his hands; they could not be cleaned. 

So many things that can fall on us are above us. 

They thought they were doing quite well, yet hardly using the gifts their creator had given them. 

They were superior gifts of noble serving, and of creation of the magnificent and bold. 

"Come with me," said the light, "and I will take you to infinity."

It was a time when the criminals were implanted with the emotions of their victims. 

You can extend your dominion over a vast distance. Your sphere of influence can be of a much larger volume, and there is much information out there which can be blended into any texture you desire.

We have this machine to do everything for us called the planet. We can use it to do anything we want within the limits we have set for ourselves. 

De-socialization is breaking free from the negative aspects of society. 

for seduction: Soften the eyes, probe the mental files gently...

I can't, I can't look in the mirror for fear that the person will look back. It's not enough that he copies my motions and actions, but I know he will look directly into my eyes and know everything I am thinking!

Some people want to be left alone to be alcoholics; do they?

They have a Halloween mask that looks just like you.

Societal repressions create a lack of comfortable sex alternatives for men, who feel urges to sex often. 

Green Machines in major streets would have income ideas and social dealings ideas written by the communities' thinkers. 

We all need inspiring sources and resources for knowledge, and special interest support groups. 

Buy your freedom, eat great food, sleep 9 hours, and exercise every day. 

Develop multiple incomes while reducing bills and buying products at the thrift super markets, the Spanish places, and the dollar store. 

How can we promote media presentations constantly building maximum success and abundance for all? Are maximum gain and maximum spirit connected?

In any group of special interest, you will click with one or two persons. 

Is this dog available for rental when you are not using him?

The essence of invention is: idea    finalize design and machine components     assemble prototype and test it    sell 6 fun ways and meet new circles of people  (Trade show, dealer network, vendor to corporations, licensing to manufacturers, joint ventures, door to door, president special connections)

The essence of film making is: 

1 script 2 selection of actors 3 technical crew and equipment 4 shoot edit release, meet interesting people  movie scripts are 100 pages, 15 sequences of scenes. 

Can you design a safer method of getting around than the car? Can we make airplanes safe with insurance right on the rocket motors? Can trains be designed to not tip over and derail? Can we take accurate measurements of other countries with Poincare cross-sections? Should children be taught how to make money so they can help their families? Why do so many marriages end in divorce: enjoy your honeymoon, you don't get many of those!

Why are there only two candidates when there should be 1000's putting their programs on YouTube?

Buy cheaper or wait. No credit cards. Take free shots at large economies. Find or create business cooperative groups. Develop list of high-pay skilled incomes and study at the City College. 


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