The Secrets of Life (abstract)
This analysis is not complete, it is to give an idea, a direction, of a new way to explore life. It needs more writers with their ideas.
I wrote a similar short book in Spanish. I found out that it is the same, but different. Make that version 2 of the "secrets of life" and we need 15 versions, 15 blind persons describing the elephant.
Picture scene from The Martian House
I have to agree with the Mathematical Chaos subject which indicates that patterns don't show until about 15 versions. There will be a change after 15 minutes, hours, days, months, years. The picture will appear more clear.
Try to understand: my brain research book has a 534 page table of contents, but the book itself 30 pages.
Pictures are taken into the pattern analyser series of filters and lenses, and sent to correct places and random places due to what you have seen either in front of the camera, or behind the camera produced by your own mind, in the past. The images collage, and that collage has to be of some intensity and duration thresholds to create an image for your brain regarding.
We shall deal more with the brain, it is all brain brain brain, the rain in Spain falls mainly on the brain. We are programmed beasts with a thin neo-cortex (250 K years versus design from 7 M for everything else: who has evolved more? Which one has been tampered with socio-politically with the very power of illusion, true illusion manufactured by our minds with the help of the brain.
And how does this illusion come about? Through hypnosis. The true effects of suggestion, repetition (conditioning is known), and passive information denial will be found to be 1000 times greater, enough to reach many activation complexes that start the gears for certain action.
Who knows a thing about emotional and hands on support? Few. We have to feel things, again it is all feel feel feel. This is what leads to action, but you are always working with your brain, probing the gigantic connection machine. Why was there not a list of emotions and their uses given to us, a health manual for our bodies? How to become a millionaire in grade 5? Are you feeling me? Then please, let go my leg.
Within your powers of observation, as configured (but invariably formatted incorrectly, for we are beasts) by your Emotional Control Box settings, we interpret the suggestions of the world, too often by mimicry of what the others are doing. Monkey plant that we are, we mimic and perch.
What happened to the monkeys, they couldn't get over the hump? I want a barrel of those little guys!
To say there are secrets of life is easy! The schools are more interested in concrete things: if the person finishes, is able to, through high school, they are less likely to become criminal against society. If the student can finish college, not only do they show they can work a job and follow exampled orders, but that they are committed to that cause and the life it provides.
So what we do at DGI, both the web and the blog, and the email: is give strategies and tactics that are more creative, taking the art into it, the new art that includes physics, thinking, invention, and engineering---this is truly a revolution, and you will wake up sweating at 3 AM one night realizing: this is it, the human race is going to evolve again, has been doing so.
Your new specialist is Capto Indiceum. This marvelous beast has a faster processor and can open short term memory 20 seconds (some more, as will be seen shortly), have a tireless thirst for knowledge, and want to be of service to others.
What is this nonsense that only 3% are born naturally to have a dimension of being of service to others? We are somehow denying the other 97%, minus the ones that "defect to the other side" of the great opportunity to feel great and proud of what they have done. Listen, my dog Skippy can be happy (there there, that's a good boy), I am after self amazement at what I have done after being a child that others took care of, how I can give back.
We are censoring ourselves from greater transcendent emotion and I will tell you what your parents did not tell you: whatever energy you put out there positive, the multiverse rewards you 1000 times. It is as if you get USP, universal spiritual power points, to use on fabulous gifts.
I repeat and then proceed: Live in Cuba 5 months and realize: The best things in life are free; they are nature's gifts and we cannot buy them or steal them.
And now, without further adieu Abstracts from the Secrets of Life and Living
The world is not at all as perceived by most persons. It cannot be, for we have much to learn about ourselves and that world, they go together, there is an interplay.
7 Billion worlds, as seen through as many sets of pattern analyzer units.
We see that nature is eclectic, intelligent, and super-creative, yet not much is said about our intelligence in the specialized skills training centers: we need supplements.
The usual supplement is that your parents are rich, with all the headaches and psychologies that brings. Of course, the child has some or many of the circuits the parents have, built in. Whether they are activated or not, or can be as in the service 3%, is another matter.
See the chicken colors as you know them. One color, maybe a spot of red near the beak, some yellowish shading. These chickens, in captivity, meander around often walking in circles.
Notice the African chicken, the one that was not domesticated: Deep black color, about 8 other colors, walks proudly.
Does the other chicken know or care about the African chicken? Life is life, wherever it is imprinted.
The person can be super-creative at birth and just needs to be fed information to assemble into collages and templates.
The person can only see 6 categories with their minds, from the environments they are in: Mind, Body, Money (acquiescence of fact: we buy all our goods and services, and rent the land we sleep on even when we own the house), Spirit.
We are radio stations tuning in and broadcasting, from within and without, with a camera unit attached up front.
The money field has these entries...see book on website, and these time involvements. Your rise to exponential money multiplication usually starts within your own set-up that pays bills. It is your rise to power, so there are time involvements as little as 5 weeks a year (trade shows) and 15 minutes a day (monitoring your websites and forwarding the fulfillment assignment to the high school kid).
The others are on the website book also, but each field is covered to some advantage. That is the goal: to improve our fields' performance in our consciousness, so we experience emotional uplift, and feel like "data mining" in the world. The fields performance indicate how we feel, our assessment of them.
Billionaire mentality keeps the mind and body sharp, why they always show the billionaires on a yacht and holding a tennis racket: they create time to be billionaires, their first order of the day: create time to sell your products and services, big ticket items.
Of course the tiger has two tails: until you have built your exponential money multiplication machine, you are broke. Limit expense as much as time and scheduling will allow, circumstance.
In grade 3 should have learned writing for publication, in grade 4 the invention steps (here, we'll take you back to grade 4 right now, in case you had flu that day): The 4 invention steps are:
1 Idea
2 Finalize design and machine one-off components (if needed; I am not building a nuclear power plant)
3 Prototype assembly and testing if needed (I am not assembling a new design jet airplane)
4 Sell 6 fun ways and meet new circles of people.
In grade 5, you would have learned how to set up your own international series of businesses as an option, a valuable option, to job for someone else.
Not everybody can work for other people in social settings, for a variety of reasons not just one.
The millionaire goes to the office, the billionaire stays home. To get something done right, the millionaire does it himself; the billionaire, to get something done right, gets others to do it! assembles a team of experts (Master Mind principle).
Job is good for 2-5 years, but then you have choice of planning your escape into your own business or businesses. Different frame of mind, but much more exhilarating, profitable, and time giving for those that value their time.
You can have 3-120 businesses at the same time with smart trusted management. This I learned from Donald Trump! Why doesn't he show America how to go into business? It requires an emotional adjustment as well, nobody here likes to sell, opposite in Cuba, we all do. And, while we are at it, is there such a thing as too much life insurance?
If the children are taught family business, families can have fun and not suffer. Business is NOT what you have been told it is, it is a rich creative field of service and multiple profit centers.
The usual ways to make money are stock portfolio, real estate holdings, and BUSINESS which is available to all of us!
Call some city colleges and ask for a list of the jobs they train you for that pay $40-$400 per hour You also need a list of the gigs that pay $500-1500 per gig; we are all at least right now already on the waiting list for those without knowing it.
How can it be an exponential machine? It is truncated by the limit cycle of the product's market runs, and the persistence of our competitors. Everything has its time.
We are nature, not just a part of; see the vein pattern on the back of your hands, see leaf. Now this can actually lead to Imperialism! In fact I feel like taking over Switzerland this weekend, all they have are those little knives!
If God is nature, and we are nature, then we are god, and can do whatever we like, rape pillage anything.
As you can see, thoughts that line up in series all tuned into the same thing can perform horrible acts. This is war, and why we need to end it.
The sounds of your stream of consciousness can be calm, agitated, or turbulent. This too is the effect of the sensation of Spirit.
ATM sketch
If too turbulent can ignite the anger parts, so dampen the energy immediately when you begin to feel it. It can also make you write a great song, depends on the pre-dispositions settings in the Emotional Control Box.
The areas in your head are mediated by the first thing that wakes up in the morning: your Personal Biography. You never wake up as someone else, unless it is a teenage sleep-over movie.
You are yourself while dreaming. Sometimes you are those big eyes over the mountain seeing the drama, sometimes you are one of the characters, I know, I was there and recorded some of your dreams while you slept.
The second thing that wakes up is your program schedule, then the subroutines to support that (brush teeth) pop up in the director.
You run 18 maps of reality in your head at any time, and check them subconsciously 18 times a minute. You're a quick one in there alright.
Thinkers and ideas are now "from the past," and should not be so. The public library should bigger and brighter lights than the restaurants, and have contests and skills training all the time.
How has the child within you changed? Something happens around puberty, that others willfully lie to take advantage, that not all people are good, or of good intentions. That there is cheating, stealing in the world, but not much abut heart, emotion, and spirit. This you must find on your secret journey to achieve selfdom.
I submit we have broken that child down. Yes there is bad intention, but there are ways to minimize that as the 19 year old, the 25 years old can see: the child interprets things differently than an older person, takes things into foundational heart.
Collaborations, cooperatives, is what you seek. To form a network, which is a network of networks. You can go two layers and seek whatever your projects need.
The mental strength of the volume of projects and studies, actions you want to take, its very power, must be greater than a present state of "do nothing and stay within routine and time commitments" to add more to your mind, which can go from this Earth to the end of the universe and back in 4 seconds here let me do it now:
I just did it. It takes the time you want to stay there. We are on some kind of disk whose edges is like clouds. It appears to end because the shadings of its black and the one behind it are different. Our position is near the edge of the disk, or around one third towards its center. What do you see?
Obviously we can solve or simplify all the problems with collaborations in parallel and in series, and applying Bayesian mathematics to our products of ideas. Eventually, in specification physics, we shall find that ideas have a unique correspondence to the Action Windows of Connection theory.
Man riding horse in snowstorm
Not everybody is going to express their life in that "happy mood" because quite frankly many people got their ass kicked by family or schools, and for others, the experience of emotions literally causes physical pain. The go about somewhat impassive, doing the best they can.
For those that are happy, for whom the family and school experience was joyful, here you find the people of service who want others to do well, who have valuable assistance. Often want to work alone, under the covers of secrecy and do their miracle work. Still, we must seek them and instill this passion on others, with DGI methods we get better, we move in the right direction.
Some people's bodies or minds are hurting, and we must find answers. Some are too broke or poor to really engage. Some appear to live perfect lies on the outside, but are hurting more than most, yet carry their burdens with grace, regardless their weight. Sometimes the person seeing the movie of their lives from the inside is not so happy. Go for self amazement!
The people are content, hurting, happy by their statement, and some appear as ecstatic high energy containers. These case studies will be addressed at later date.
Happiness. Sadness. Contentment. These change, as do our emotions, over time. Time is not what we think it is, and neither are we. The Dark Ages: they rage.
Our will power, our Diamond Consciousness has to be able to power the circuits in you beyond the programs you are running, the ones that can make you try new things. If it cannot reach a sufficient activation complex, you remain in the inertia of your routines, they carry you.
To break routines and habits is hard. The slam of Islam is good: clap your hands loudly and from that moment on the bad habit is broken.
We live tuned in to the Ocean of Emotion (space is wall to wall virtual photons), our brains work like radio stations, the DJ is Brodmann 10 and associates. Our brains broadcast at all times except during sleep.
The Ocean of Emotion is like gravity, but creates feeling, it is called the HIGGS FIELD. One of its principal connections are the channeled connected emanations we call emotion, energy of motion. We receive energy from beyond the stars on a daily basis, it adds to what is already there. This energy activates parts of our minds that are pre disposed to it, like astronomical noise in astronomy, it adds just enough energy to activate the circuit.
Feel and field sound alike; coincidence or message?
There is an actual institute of Feeling Good here in Berkeley. The point is that everyone should be trying to make everyone feel good, and those that need help should be served by community action groups.
Your mental powers of cognition and perceptions are heightened by positive interactions; avoid the negative and go towards the light, less stressful unless it is a searchlight.
Positive emotion: I do something let's say nice for you; you express gratitude, I feel pride, a third person watching experiences uplift. All three gained positive emotion (we are working on this Mental Science here at DGI if you want to help research the science of positive mental visualizations).
All three persons got their mind opened and for an instant perhaps they were enlightened by this energy. They catch more raindrops from the action and its perception, same with a movie, so it's programming.
Then this happens, and it is the second part of the mechanism (an input output device): the opening of the Mind, the cognitive broadening in turn creates positive emotions.
It has been found that positive emotional experience (the emotions are what perceive and interpret), gives more positive experience, and this affects our health, our outlook, and the personal biography that wakes up every morning.
This mental state is modified by level of physical fitness, happiness of childhood, and a natural curiosity.
The positive experience opens up more space and attention to getting more, so it grows. Hopefully the positive outweighs the negative in our lives, this is always the hope since there will be both.
We ignore the true powers of creative art, it is not just drawing, it is the Synthetic Alliance of science, thought, invention and engineering with fine art, writing, film making and music. They all work together to create, or evolve the materials at hand into something better.
At DGI we seek the methods of transmission of how to be creative, acknowledging that it at least has to be on the back burner of the person wanting to know. We can see the correspondence between not knowing how to read and write in the middle centuries and where we are today with Art. The methods of technique are not being understood or developed.
Art is not always about drawing pictures, but about being clever in problem solving. We don't have to say "creative problem solving" anymore than we order Chinese food in China; it is just food.
We are hypnotized by light, sound, and touch. The powers of suggestion are going to be found to be 1000 times stronger than we now know, think grandmother advice, I ASSURE YOU.
Those energies from above are used to activate the circuits that create the various illusions we place figuratively in our mind's eye, but are literally in the back of your head. Just like the TV station is in L.A. but the pictures appear in your house.
Connection is the dominant theme of realities.
We learn incomplete data sets from parents and school, glossed over: data set A or B, on or off, black and white. The spectrum has more, broader, more choices. Not everybody thinks the same: 85% kind of do, 15% kind of invent their own life, especially inventors, and in particular writer inventors.
The creative pallet of Mood and Emotion is more broad than we have been shown, unless you are an extra credit student who has their own reading program.
Alien head
The new tools of perception are here, and they are collaborative: Idea Sharing is like the Arrecibo telescope, which is a series of telescopes looking at the sky, and their sum makes a super telescope.
Same too with the collective powers of our Idea Factories, they must be turned on and begin to really think again, create thought or energy to champion themes or discuss valuable topics during that 5 minute break from talking about other people and trite things all day.
Portable markets drop into impoverished zones, and people enter the bazaar and connect with the relatively well off online live to create win-win-win situations.
It is now in your hands, please pass this on. Through more understanding of ourselves, and cooperative solutions at DGI help make a better world for us all, and have a fun time doing it!
I wrote a similar short book in Spanish. I found out that it is the same, but different. Make that version 2 of the "secrets of life" and we need 15 versions, 15 blind persons describing the elephant.
Picture scene from The Martian House
I have to agree with the Mathematical Chaos subject which indicates that patterns don't show until about 15 versions. There will be a change after 15 minutes, hours, days, months, years. The picture will appear more clear.
Try to understand: my brain research book has a 534 page table of contents, but the book itself 30 pages.
Pictures are taken into the pattern analyser series of filters and lenses, and sent to correct places and random places due to what you have seen either in front of the camera, or behind the camera produced by your own mind, in the past. The images collage, and that collage has to be of some intensity and duration thresholds to create an image for your brain regarding.
We shall deal more with the brain, it is all brain brain brain, the rain in Spain falls mainly on the brain. We are programmed beasts with a thin neo-cortex (250 K years versus design from 7 M for everything else: who has evolved more? Which one has been tampered with socio-politically with the very power of illusion, true illusion manufactured by our minds with the help of the brain.
And how does this illusion come about? Through hypnosis. The true effects of suggestion, repetition (conditioning is known), and passive information denial will be found to be 1000 times greater, enough to reach many activation complexes that start the gears for certain action.
Who knows a thing about emotional and hands on support? Few. We have to feel things, again it is all feel feel feel. This is what leads to action, but you are always working with your brain, probing the gigantic connection machine. Why was there not a list of emotions and their uses given to us, a health manual for our bodies? How to become a millionaire in grade 5? Are you feeling me? Then please, let go my leg.
Within your powers of observation, as configured (but invariably formatted incorrectly, for we are beasts) by your Emotional Control Box settings, we interpret the suggestions of the world, too often by mimicry of what the others are doing. Monkey plant that we are, we mimic and perch.
What happened to the monkeys, they couldn't get over the hump? I want a barrel of those little guys!
To say there are secrets of life is easy! The schools are more interested in concrete things: if the person finishes, is able to, through high school, they are less likely to become criminal against society. If the student can finish college, not only do they show they can work a job and follow exampled orders, but that they are committed to that cause and the life it provides.
So what we do at DGI, both the web and the blog, and the email: is give strategies and tactics that are more creative, taking the art into it, the new art that includes physics, thinking, invention, and engineering---this is truly a revolution, and you will wake up sweating at 3 AM one night realizing: this is it, the human race is going to evolve again, has been doing so.
Your new specialist is Capto Indiceum. This marvelous beast has a faster processor and can open short term memory 20 seconds (some more, as will be seen shortly), have a tireless thirst for knowledge, and want to be of service to others.
What is this nonsense that only 3% are born naturally to have a dimension of being of service to others? We are somehow denying the other 97%, minus the ones that "defect to the other side" of the great opportunity to feel great and proud of what they have done. Listen, my dog Skippy can be happy (there there, that's a good boy), I am after self amazement at what I have done after being a child that others took care of, how I can give back.
We are censoring ourselves from greater transcendent emotion and I will tell you what your parents did not tell you: whatever energy you put out there positive, the multiverse rewards you 1000 times. It is as if you get USP, universal spiritual power points, to use on fabulous gifts.
I repeat and then proceed: Live in Cuba 5 months and realize: The best things in life are free; they are nature's gifts and we cannot buy them or steal them.
And now, without further adieu Abstracts from the Secrets of Life and Living
The world is not at all as perceived by most persons. It cannot be, for we have much to learn about ourselves and that world, they go together, there is an interplay.
7 Billion worlds, as seen through as many sets of pattern analyzer units.
We see that nature is eclectic, intelligent, and super-creative, yet not much is said about our intelligence in the specialized skills training centers: we need supplements.
The usual supplement is that your parents are rich, with all the headaches and psychologies that brings. Of course, the child has some or many of the circuits the parents have, built in. Whether they are activated or not, or can be as in the service 3%, is another matter.
See the chicken colors as you know them. One color, maybe a spot of red near the beak, some yellowish shading. These chickens, in captivity, meander around often walking in circles.
Notice the African chicken, the one that was not domesticated: Deep black color, about 8 other colors, walks proudly.
Does the other chicken know or care about the African chicken? Life is life, wherever it is imprinted.
The person can be super-creative at birth and just needs to be fed information to assemble into collages and templates.
The person can only see 6 categories with their minds, from the environments they are in: Mind, Body, Money (acquiescence of fact: we buy all our goods and services, and rent the land we sleep on even when we own the house), Spirit.
We are radio stations tuning in and broadcasting, from within and without, with a camera unit attached up front.
The money field has these entries...see book on website, and these time involvements. Your rise to exponential money multiplication usually starts within your own set-up that pays bills. It is your rise to power, so there are time involvements as little as 5 weeks a year (trade shows) and 15 minutes a day (monitoring your websites and forwarding the fulfillment assignment to the high school kid).
The others are on the website book also, but each field is covered to some advantage. That is the goal: to improve our fields' performance in our consciousness, so we experience emotional uplift, and feel like "data mining" in the world. The fields performance indicate how we feel, our assessment of them.
Billionaire mentality keeps the mind and body sharp, why they always show the billionaires on a yacht and holding a tennis racket: they create time to be billionaires, their first order of the day: create time to sell your products and services, big ticket items.
Of course the tiger has two tails: until you have built your exponential money multiplication machine, you are broke. Limit expense as much as time and scheduling will allow, circumstance.
In grade 3 should have learned writing for publication, in grade 4 the invention steps (here, we'll take you back to grade 4 right now, in case you had flu that day): The 4 invention steps are:
1 Idea
2 Finalize design and machine one-off components (if needed; I am not building a nuclear power plant)
3 Prototype assembly and testing if needed (I am not assembling a new design jet airplane)
4 Sell 6 fun ways and meet new circles of people.
In grade 5, you would have learned how to set up your own international series of businesses as an option, a valuable option, to job for someone else.
Not everybody can work for other people in social settings, for a variety of reasons not just one.
The millionaire goes to the office, the billionaire stays home. To get something done right, the millionaire does it himself; the billionaire, to get something done right, gets others to do it! assembles a team of experts (Master Mind principle).
Job is good for 2-5 years, but then you have choice of planning your escape into your own business or businesses. Different frame of mind, but much more exhilarating, profitable, and time giving for those that value their time.
You can have 3-120 businesses at the same time with smart trusted management. This I learned from Donald Trump! Why doesn't he show America how to go into business? It requires an emotional adjustment as well, nobody here likes to sell, opposite in Cuba, we all do. And, while we are at it, is there such a thing as too much life insurance?
If the children are taught family business, families can have fun and not suffer. Business is NOT what you have been told it is, it is a rich creative field of service and multiple profit centers.
The usual ways to make money are stock portfolio, real estate holdings, and BUSINESS which is available to all of us!
Call some city colleges and ask for a list of the jobs they train you for that pay $40-$400 per hour You also need a list of the gigs that pay $500-1500 per gig; we are all at least right now already on the waiting list for those without knowing it.
How can it be an exponential machine? It is truncated by the limit cycle of the product's market runs, and the persistence of our competitors. Everything has its time.
We are nature, not just a part of; see the vein pattern on the back of your hands, see leaf. Now this can actually lead to Imperialism! In fact I feel like taking over Switzerland this weekend, all they have are those little knives!
If God is nature, and we are nature, then we are god, and can do whatever we like, rape pillage anything.
As you can see, thoughts that line up in series all tuned into the same thing can perform horrible acts. This is war, and why we need to end it.
The sounds of your stream of consciousness can be calm, agitated, or turbulent. This too is the effect of the sensation of Spirit.
ATM sketch
If too turbulent can ignite the anger parts, so dampen the energy immediately when you begin to feel it. It can also make you write a great song, depends on the pre-dispositions settings in the Emotional Control Box.
The areas in your head are mediated by the first thing that wakes up in the morning: your Personal Biography. You never wake up as someone else, unless it is a teenage sleep-over movie.
You are yourself while dreaming. Sometimes you are those big eyes over the mountain seeing the drama, sometimes you are one of the characters, I know, I was there and recorded some of your dreams while you slept.
The second thing that wakes up is your program schedule, then the subroutines to support that (brush teeth) pop up in the director.
You run 18 maps of reality in your head at any time, and check them subconsciously 18 times a minute. You're a quick one in there alright.
Thinkers and ideas are now "from the past," and should not be so. The public library should bigger and brighter lights than the restaurants, and have contests and skills training all the time.
How has the child within you changed? Something happens around puberty, that others willfully lie to take advantage, that not all people are good, or of good intentions. That there is cheating, stealing in the world, but not much abut heart, emotion, and spirit. This you must find on your secret journey to achieve selfdom.
I submit we have broken that child down. Yes there is bad intention, but there are ways to minimize that as the 19 year old, the 25 years old can see: the child interprets things differently than an older person, takes things into foundational heart.
Collaborations, cooperatives, is what you seek. To form a network, which is a network of networks. You can go two layers and seek whatever your projects need.
The mental strength of the volume of projects and studies, actions you want to take, its very power, must be greater than a present state of "do nothing and stay within routine and time commitments" to add more to your mind, which can go from this Earth to the end of the universe and back in 4 seconds here let me do it now:
I just did it. It takes the time you want to stay there. We are on some kind of disk whose edges is like clouds. It appears to end because the shadings of its black and the one behind it are different. Our position is near the edge of the disk, or around one third towards its center. What do you see?
Obviously we can solve or simplify all the problems with collaborations in parallel and in series, and applying Bayesian mathematics to our products of ideas. Eventually, in specification physics, we shall find that ideas have a unique correspondence to the Action Windows of Connection theory.
Man riding horse in snowstorm
Not everybody is going to express their life in that "happy mood" because quite frankly many people got their ass kicked by family or schools, and for others, the experience of emotions literally causes physical pain. The go about somewhat impassive, doing the best they can.
For those that are happy, for whom the family and school experience was joyful, here you find the people of service who want others to do well, who have valuable assistance. Often want to work alone, under the covers of secrecy and do their miracle work. Still, we must seek them and instill this passion on others, with DGI methods we get better, we move in the right direction.
Some people's bodies or minds are hurting, and we must find answers. Some are too broke or poor to really engage. Some appear to live perfect lies on the outside, but are hurting more than most, yet carry their burdens with grace, regardless their weight. Sometimes the person seeing the movie of their lives from the inside is not so happy. Go for self amazement!
The people are content, hurting, happy by their statement, and some appear as ecstatic high energy containers. These case studies will be addressed at later date.
Happiness. Sadness. Contentment. These change, as do our emotions, over time. Time is not what we think it is, and neither are we. The Dark Ages: they rage.
Our will power, our Diamond Consciousness has to be able to power the circuits in you beyond the programs you are running, the ones that can make you try new things. If it cannot reach a sufficient activation complex, you remain in the inertia of your routines, they carry you.
To break routines and habits is hard. The slam of Islam is good: clap your hands loudly and from that moment on the bad habit is broken.
We live tuned in to the Ocean of Emotion (space is wall to wall virtual photons), our brains work like radio stations, the DJ is Brodmann 10 and associates. Our brains broadcast at all times except during sleep.
The Ocean of Emotion is like gravity, but creates feeling, it is called the HIGGS FIELD. One of its principal connections are the channeled connected emanations we call emotion, energy of motion. We receive energy from beyond the stars on a daily basis, it adds to what is already there. This energy activates parts of our minds that are pre disposed to it, like astronomical noise in astronomy, it adds just enough energy to activate the circuit.
Feel and field sound alike; coincidence or message?
There is an actual institute of Feeling Good here in Berkeley. The point is that everyone should be trying to make everyone feel good, and those that need help should be served by community action groups.
Your mental powers of cognition and perceptions are heightened by positive interactions; avoid the negative and go towards the light, less stressful unless it is a searchlight.
Positive emotion: I do something let's say nice for you; you express gratitude, I feel pride, a third person watching experiences uplift. All three gained positive emotion (we are working on this Mental Science here at DGI if you want to help research the science of positive mental visualizations).
All three persons got their mind opened and for an instant perhaps they were enlightened by this energy. They catch more raindrops from the action and its perception, same with a movie, so it's programming.
Then this happens, and it is the second part of the mechanism (an input output device): the opening of the Mind, the cognitive broadening in turn creates positive emotions.
It has been found that positive emotional experience (the emotions are what perceive and interpret), gives more positive experience, and this affects our health, our outlook, and the personal biography that wakes up every morning.
This mental state is modified by level of physical fitness, happiness of childhood, and a natural curiosity.
The positive experience opens up more space and attention to getting more, so it grows. Hopefully the positive outweighs the negative in our lives, this is always the hope since there will be both.
We ignore the true powers of creative art, it is not just drawing, it is the Synthetic Alliance of science, thought, invention and engineering with fine art, writing, film making and music. They all work together to create, or evolve the materials at hand into something better.
At DGI we seek the methods of transmission of how to be creative, acknowledging that it at least has to be on the back burner of the person wanting to know. We can see the correspondence between not knowing how to read and write in the middle centuries and where we are today with Art. The methods of technique are not being understood or developed.
Art is not always about drawing pictures, but about being clever in problem solving. We don't have to say "creative problem solving" anymore than we order Chinese food in China; it is just food.
We are hypnotized by light, sound, and touch. The powers of suggestion are going to be found to be 1000 times stronger than we now know, think grandmother advice, I ASSURE YOU.
Those energies from above are used to activate the circuits that create the various illusions we place figuratively in our mind's eye, but are literally in the back of your head. Just like the TV station is in L.A. but the pictures appear in your house.
Connection is the dominant theme of realities.
We learn incomplete data sets from parents and school, glossed over: data set A or B, on or off, black and white. The spectrum has more, broader, more choices. Not everybody thinks the same: 85% kind of do, 15% kind of invent their own life, especially inventors, and in particular writer inventors.
The creative pallet of Mood and Emotion is more broad than we have been shown, unless you are an extra credit student who has their own reading program.
Alien head
The new tools of perception are here, and they are collaborative: Idea Sharing is like the Arrecibo telescope, which is a series of telescopes looking at the sky, and their sum makes a super telescope.
Same too with the collective powers of our Idea Factories, they must be turned on and begin to really think again, create thought or energy to champion themes or discuss valuable topics during that 5 minute break from talking about other people and trite things all day.
Portable markets drop into impoverished zones, and people enter the bazaar and connect with the relatively well off online live to create win-win-win situations.
It is now in your hands, please pass this on. Through more understanding of ourselves, and cooperative solutions at DGI help make a better world for us all, and have a fun time doing it!