Writing Technique Notes

Of course your book is over there on your computer (or yellow tablet pad) and you are over here. This is the antipode, the back and forth, between your brain and you. I say brain, but it is brain-mind, one is 7 M years old, the other, the infant in the story, is the 250 K thought processor, the new cortex, just millimeters deep into the brain structure, like your hands wearing plastic gloves. 7 M got along fine without 250 K for almost 7 million years, so imagine how much of us is now 7 M and how much is 250 K, the one that has been tampered with not by evolution, but by the process of civilization? Won't there necessarily be a loss from every gain, and a gain from every loss that it brings? How do they resolve their conflicts? With emotional feelings felt at a deeper level?

As has been explained (move along please, it's time) we are like machines that are programmed by the lights, sounds, and touch of the 15 environments we find ourselves in over our lives. 

The first five, family, family financials, early schools, neighborhoods, and your brain interpretation of events, determine quite a bit of you, but you can always change and find a way to not suffer, and you must try to find that door into summer that releases you into your true universal being of light.

We are cameras constantly taking photos. The photons we capture impinge on our memories in discrete connected places, and goes into our data if we keep reinforcing them. We are data collectors for the purpose of collaging and archiving data patterns for perhaps later use. We hold biochemical impressions of imaging geometries, which become stronger with repeated energy. Post quantum effects are there, but not yet understood.

The individual impressions are lit up by fractal pulses which reach the place the patterns reside to assemble a collage which is read by Brodmann 10 from Viz 12, the viewer. There is amplification also not yet understood. When we imagine things, it is the brain viewing it in the same place where it views the outside world. Imaginings have less energy, but can activate our minds the same way; this is imagining. 

Nature is a gigantic physics Connection Machine. Its push button realities are assembled and connected from both ends of the button, which takes time. 

This is not the time for Time, but for Writing Technique Notes: 

Read a lot

Discipline yourself

Write even when you have nothing to say (the system engages automatically after 5 pages)

Eavesdrop on your environment

Each magazine has its own personality, feed it

60,000 words is a novel (150 pages )

Tell of characters' background. They are a mixture of things.

Computer voices in caps

30% dialogue is a book concept

Write ideas down feverishly fast

Fiction: Character under stress; resolve

Dismantle everything

Template cultures

                 New look starship disk design

Read again: The Demolished Man 

16 pound bond paper, 20

About 400 words in a page

Paper is deductible

*Rubber tips for fingers invention

What there is and what there is to write about: a general layout of the visual landscape should be yours. 

Your encyclopedic knowledge should come from the encyclopedia, turn pages at random. 

How we read: we connect what we know with the interpretation of symbols in our minds. 

Why we read: Improves the mind, engages the mind in different ways, works out the mental muscle. We speak with confidence, when we find voice. When the inner person speaks the deepest form of sincerity is conveyed. Reading makes you think, when you watch TV it just makes you watch more TV and you tell yourself you will think later, but do you?

How to find reading material: Newspaper, home collection library, library, magazines, online

Read the Secrets of Instant Writing from the website if writing is at least on your back burner. It appears the little writing machines must already be installed, just need to turn them on. We do not know an automatic way of building the writing machines at this time except offering you a million dollars, then you'll do it underwater holding your breath, won't you? 

            Spirits in flight, like the wind, dancing

Increase your vocabulary constantly, use the new words in your stories like a spice. 

See how to make film from scripts. A film is 100 pages, and 15 sequences of scenes. 

Learn how to publish, look for publishers and agents early, they get the ball rolling with income, later make a better deal. Right now short stories can be sold to make $700, two or three times. A book, like a 150 page novel, gets you $27,000-30,000, later more. Don't you like how I tell you these things?

I have become the person I always wanted to meet, so I have gone full circle in this life. There are no secret sanctums, no hidden rooms. Most secrets are not worth knowing, from the unknown we acknowledge the ruthlessness of the barbarian within.

How to publish with publisher, agents, writing articles and stories are all part of the game. Contests and literary contests too. To be in the game you need 12 pieces applying to 12 publishers for their acceptance. Tell me about Amazon, I suppose once again the promotion is what promotes motion of the books, until you sell, become bored by your efforts, or the market hands you your hat. 

Improve reading comprehension and public speaking. 

Rock so heavy God could not lift it, made by God 


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