Essential Things
Anticipation of the unknown is often hard to find.
Dreams are essential things, a mystic experience which can bring added awareness to us in an exciting package.
Why not believe that if an answer will be found, it will be you that finds it. You can have your life going with both a physical and mental activity, they help each other.
By having different ways of storing and retrieving information, the brain constructs its poorly lit collages containing 20-30% of the picture as seen in the Occipital lobe in Viz 12. As "seen" biochemically with post quantum effects that is. This involves the theatre of the imagination. The fractal waves are like bookstore and library patrons rushing about getting information from the shelves.
The information is shoveled into the collage, and that plays in Viz 12, watched by Brodmann 10, and the cycle continues.
Create a rich stimulating environment for yourself if you want to create. Eat sandwiches in nature, that must be a part of its design, it feels better.
We look at Nature and wonder what it is for; it is a setting for our adventures of emotion.
Our goal is minimum strong life for all, and we won't stop there. Too bad Mars is already taken.
The power to create is within you, you must turn it on and let your 7 M mind practice it on its own; there will hardly be any "conscious" involvement. You unleash it. First have the faith that you can: the power of suggestion has been found to work, I assure you. Then turn it on by studying and feeding your brain information. Third, select targets for your new found gift, take on the most exciting adventures of your life! Sharpen your natural curiosity, this is the focus control.
Most people respond to social stereotypes, so to communicate you must be aware of them and resist the temptation to vomit when you use them. With me you don't have to. Anything beyond that requires an open minded attitude, creative, which has been stomped out of us like a cigarette butt.
I drove 5 miles with the emergency brake on. Perhaps they should call it, "The brake for when you don't want to stop right away."
If I don't get a whole wife, perhaps a midwife will do.
There has been a revolution in shampoo. Now they can put two into one. But hey, I thought that is why they invented two, because one wasn't big enough!
The teacher asked me what was X. I responded that if he was the teacher and did not know, what was he asking me for?
This website is part of my witness protection program---they'll never find me here.
I worked with a psychic once. When it came time to quit I did not have to give two weeks notice, she just kind of knew.
Essential Things
Open checking, savings account
Get emergency road service
Get medical insurance
Make cards about your business
Have 6 months of money saved at least
Pay for car insurance in two payments
Eliminate negative people from your life, or if tolerant estimate the relative effects.
Get out of negative environments due to the subconscious effects.
Go full throttle for everything you want to get accomplished, make a list and cross out. Approach long term goals as if they are short term goals.
Have driver's license up to date
Create a positive environment with positive people around you.
Correct your nutrition: buy our book, Your First Real Food list
If you eat three times as habit, work out daily as part of your nutrition.
Learn better English, vocabulary, self confidence in speaking, writing skills
Develop as many skills as interest you.
Learn to ride a bike
Learn to swim: world is 70 % water.
Have good hygiene and presentability.
Observe etiquette when eating in company.
have a simple, nice wardrobe. Two outfits to start is great.
Be elegant and well dressed at least once a week.
Have smoke detectors and fire extinguisher in house
Know first aid and have a first aid kit.
Have at least an apartment or large van.
Look your best at all ages
Have a well-defined morality, sense of ethics, and integrity (the first thing you have to learn to fake)
Have clean underwear and socks
Have toenail, nose hair removers, ear hair
Replace the hair on your head
Have a sex life, relationships, a couple of friends.
Have good reading light, ventilation
Quit, or don't start, smoking
Go out in the sun; use sunblock as needed.
Have access to internet and public library
Experience on-going learning and emoting
learn or continue to play a musical instrument
Make sure you have good breath. The fifth dentist caved in, now they all recommend Dentyne.
Work out with light weights
Avoid hard drugs and excessive alcohol
Learn to use public transportation
Know how to ask for directions and the basics of safety and self defense.
Facilities and support systems to grow your skills
Travel capabilities
Bicycle or car
Know of environments that promote the meeting of people.
Go to the line below
Go to the line above, oh, that's it.
However, W.P. himself has authorized us to continue with Basic Survival Ideas (has he lost his minds?)
Basic Survival Ideas:
Start multiple small businesses
Seek out the rich and influential
Learn to be of service to others
Buy products wholesale at auctions and more
Travel: your fortune may not be here, opportunity
Take almost any chance if you need to
Small risks for high profits OK
Every business sells a product and or a service
Get the kids involved in a family business
Exercise, working out 4 hours a day gives endorphins, unbeatable custom natural highs
Eat right, sleep right, reduce stress
Reduce your bills by 50%, then do it again
Save $10,000
Don't overdo the partying, don't ever stop studying
Establish support system for your projects
Extend your vision to the community
Property, money multiplication in small business, are the keys to financial prosperity.
Travel light, but be heavy of thought, deep in your vision, precise of mind. Don't make mistakes knowingly.
Find or create new social circles
Establish comfort zones and levels with new project collaborators.
If you want something done right, get somebody else to do it.
Eat at home and save much money.
Life is what you do, what you feel, and what you have.
The world of appearances casts many shadows
There are many truths; pick the ones that do you the most service.
Everything happens in life, but we know not where or in what order.
We play all of the roles in life; from the looks of some, we eat quite a few of them too.
Everybody needs money for basics, car if any, emergency, travel, multiplication
The basic budget is for: Save, rent, food, electricity, phone, internet, gas (if any), bills and wants, miscellaneous expense.
Try to live in another city some months of the year.
Live your dreams: they are not as cheap as they say, they are like diamonds in your life.
Realize a loose expense of $3 a day is about $100 a month.
Be your own best friend; believe in your efforts and chances. You are as good as any and better than most.
Persistence really counts in the long run it pays off royally, but you have to believe and sustain the energy for a time which in your mind is short, others say long.
Spirits in Flight, like the Wind, Dancing.
Dreams are essential things, a mystic experience which can bring added awareness to us in an exciting package.
Why not believe that if an answer will be found, it will be you that finds it. You can have your life going with both a physical and mental activity, they help each other.
By having different ways of storing and retrieving information, the brain constructs its poorly lit collages containing 20-30% of the picture as seen in the Occipital lobe in Viz 12. As "seen" biochemically with post quantum effects that is. This involves the theatre of the imagination. The fractal waves are like bookstore and library patrons rushing about getting information from the shelves.
The information is shoveled into the collage, and that plays in Viz 12, watched by Brodmann 10, and the cycle continues.
Create a rich stimulating environment for yourself if you want to create. Eat sandwiches in nature, that must be a part of its design, it feels better.
We look at Nature and wonder what it is for; it is a setting for our adventures of emotion.
Our goal is minimum strong life for all, and we won't stop there. Too bad Mars is already taken.
The power to create is within you, you must turn it on and let your 7 M mind practice it on its own; there will hardly be any "conscious" involvement. You unleash it. First have the faith that you can: the power of suggestion has been found to work, I assure you. Then turn it on by studying and feeding your brain information. Third, select targets for your new found gift, take on the most exciting adventures of your life! Sharpen your natural curiosity, this is the focus control.
Most people respond to social stereotypes, so to communicate you must be aware of them and resist the temptation to vomit when you use them. With me you don't have to. Anything beyond that requires an open minded attitude, creative, which has been stomped out of us like a cigarette butt.
I drove 5 miles with the emergency brake on. Perhaps they should call it, "The brake for when you don't want to stop right away."
If I don't get a whole wife, perhaps a midwife will do.
There has been a revolution in shampoo. Now they can put two into one. But hey, I thought that is why they invented two, because one wasn't big enough!
The teacher asked me what was X. I responded that if he was the teacher and did not know, what was he asking me for?
This website is part of my witness protection program---they'll never find me here.
I worked with a psychic once. When it came time to quit I did not have to give two weeks notice, she just kind of knew.
Essential Things
Open checking, savings account
Get emergency road service
Get medical insurance
Make cards about your business
Have 6 months of money saved at least
Pay for car insurance in two payments
Eliminate negative people from your life, or if tolerant estimate the relative effects.
Get out of negative environments due to the subconscious effects.
Go full throttle for everything you want to get accomplished, make a list and cross out. Approach long term goals as if they are short term goals.
Have driver's license up to date
Create a positive environment with positive people around you.
Correct your nutrition: buy our book, Your First Real Food list
If you eat three times as habit, work out daily as part of your nutrition.
Learn better English, vocabulary, self confidence in speaking, writing skills
Develop as many skills as interest you.
Learn to ride a bike
Learn to swim: world is 70 % water.
Have good hygiene and presentability.
Observe etiquette when eating in company.
have a simple, nice wardrobe. Two outfits to start is great.
Be elegant and well dressed at least once a week.
Have smoke detectors and fire extinguisher in house
Know first aid and have a first aid kit.
Have at least an apartment or large van.
Look your best at all ages
Have a well-defined morality, sense of ethics, and integrity (the first thing you have to learn to fake)
Have clean underwear and socks
Have toenail, nose hair removers, ear hair
Replace the hair on your head
Have a sex life, relationships, a couple of friends.
Have good reading light, ventilation
Quit, or don't start, smoking
Go out in the sun; use sunblock as needed.
Have access to internet and public library
Experience on-going learning and emoting
learn or continue to play a musical instrument
Make sure you have good breath. The fifth dentist caved in, now they all recommend Dentyne.
Work out with light weights
Avoid hard drugs and excessive alcohol
Learn to use public transportation
Know how to ask for directions and the basics of safety and self defense.
Facilities and support systems to grow your skills
Travel capabilities
Bicycle or car
Know of environments that promote the meeting of people.
Go to the line below
Go to the line above, oh, that's it.
However, W.P. himself has authorized us to continue with Basic Survival Ideas (has he lost his minds?)
Basic Survival Ideas:
Start multiple small businesses
Seek out the rich and influential
Learn to be of service to others
Buy products wholesale at auctions and more
Travel: your fortune may not be here, opportunity
Take almost any chance if you need to
Small risks for high profits OK
Every business sells a product and or a service
Get the kids involved in a family business
Exercise, working out 4 hours a day gives endorphins, unbeatable custom natural highs
Eat right, sleep right, reduce stress
Reduce your bills by 50%, then do it again
Save $10,000
Don't overdo the partying, don't ever stop studying
Establish support system for your projects
Extend your vision to the community
Property, money multiplication in small business, are the keys to financial prosperity.
Travel light, but be heavy of thought, deep in your vision, precise of mind. Don't make mistakes knowingly.
Find or create new social circles
Establish comfort zones and levels with new project collaborators.
If you want something done right, get somebody else to do it.
Eat at home and save much money.
Life is what you do, what you feel, and what you have.
The world of appearances casts many shadows
There are many truths; pick the ones that do you the most service.
Everything happens in life, but we know not where or in what order.
We play all of the roles in life; from the looks of some, we eat quite a few of them too.
Everybody needs money for basics, car if any, emergency, travel, multiplication
The basic budget is for: Save, rent, food, electricity, phone, internet, gas (if any), bills and wants, miscellaneous expense.
Try to live in another city some months of the year.
Live your dreams: they are not as cheap as they say, they are like diamonds in your life.
Realize a loose expense of $3 a day is about $100 a month.
Be your own best friend; believe in your efforts and chances. You are as good as any and better than most.
Persistence really counts in the long run it pays off royally, but you have to believe and sustain the energy for a time which in your mind is short, others say long.
Spirits in Flight, like the Wind, Dancing.