Collective Dreaming: The Birth of the Dream Programmer
Yes, we know we should be in a secret cave underground somewhere working in absolute seriousness in the invention The Dream Programmer, but we are not.
We are in Berkeley and Lost Angeles, and want your ideas on how to program dreams, unless you are the one in a secret underground research laboratory working on a dream programmer, then we want to join the consulting staff.
We are in Berkeley and Lost Angeles, and want your ideas on how to program dreams, unless you are the one in a secret underground research laboratory working on a dream programmer, then we want to join the consulting staff.
We solve world problems by programming our dreams to do so. We disconnect the conscious, like we do every night, and let 7 M go to work on it very fast. We maybe write questions and desires on a little piece of paper and put it under the pillow.
The tooth faery, on her rounds for things under the pillow, will see your list and send it along to the central galactic library. It is there that your dreams will be programmed and sent back to you with the answer to the questions, you will see a short movie on the answer.
The future had come early for us, in loud desperation. Writers dreamed it with their visions of what could be, would be. The future knocked on our doors at odd hours, begging to be let in.
Scientists gave it birth with the rapid advances in their theories and technologies derived from it. Engineers, in a sense, forged it from passions in our hearts that we should have this kind of job with so much joy in accomplishment.
What should we say to our dreams when we greet them? Should we stand on a dock, or go in a big silver spaceship somewhere?
Get yourself a copper nose and be the life of the party.
Remember to really believe you can program your dreams since the power of self suggestion is just now even being noticed, and it is dramatic what self belief will do: like a manifestation device in all of us, a philosopher's stone for instant actualization of thought and transmutation of matter. But only given to sane people of good intentions and well-meaning towards others.