What Does the Resistance resist, actually?

The resistance resists the blind mechanical forces containing NME's (negative mental energy) with Will, Imagination, Inventory of effects, and collaborations. 

What is a Citizen's Action Group? A group subscribing to Kennedy ideals by serving the broke, poor, and disabled by collaboration after inventory. 

What is an example? DGI Green Machine posters inside BART trains and city buses. They show the broke and poor how to do business and get positive mental energy from social ideas.

What is an S-Wave? An emission from the Sea of Photons virtual space. They are detected in our minds like birds getting flying commands. 

Inside the Criminal Mind

They want people to plead, and then kill them. 
Can't block thoughts example sexual release.
People choose life until they fear life more than death. 
Emotional physical process
Out of control; I did it again feeling
Shuts out the "stops." They fade and become distant
Reason not possible
Overwhelming motivations to act out their thoughts
Remember the bad, not the good, of their life
Stomach Butterflies
How they think makes them a criminal. 
Conditions of growing up and the choices they made
When they get up in the morning: Who can I rob?
Kick dogs for no apparent reason
Psychiatric illness going on too
Perhaps early childhood memories get stronger emotional content.

       All that is missing from this book is your emotion to do it

Got crabs from a mattress, there was a hooker on it! - Dr. Katz

Rain forests are very special: They are 2% of the Earth surface, but they have half of the wild plants and tree varieties. They have half the wild life. and 70% of the anti cancer drugs are found there. one fourth of today's medicines. 

Remember this: there are different moods within the soul. In a desert there are plants with water. Sometimes we are depressed and our moods are blue. However, around the corner from this blue reality there is an oasis of the Mind, a dimension of soul, whose very borders center on human fulfillment. 

Since we construct facts from observation, anything not in the observation will not be in the hypothesis. Nothing is something, possessing properties of magic, marvel, and substance. 

Our Prized Possessions

Ability to make money to buy the things we want
Social Life
Special projects and service to others.

Life, love, friendship, society, sobriety, money, mystery, science, creativity, psychology, philosophy, making film and writing, and sports all come out of those possessions. The Secrets of Life are different than the secrets of Reality.

You Brain is a Bayesian Net Pattern Analyzer

It creates products to be examined and voted on by the Board of Directors for possible actions to take. The chairman of the board, if ruthless, can do bad things. The Bayesian net seldom is wrong in theory, though misleading in practice. 

Like an ocean, the Bayesian net accepts all rivers and empties into the timeless all. One story is being told, over and over again. We are probably not listening to the story, not aware of its presence. 

The questions contains within it half the answer. Why receiving and sending are the same except for the geometrical propagation vector. 

To know something means you can paraphrase it and explain it to someone else. 

Life is accepted with a measure of lack of control, can't control the randomness to benefit always. 

Pot smokers who drink heavily become violently mellow!

At the speed of reflex, the mind is something else altogether and quickly. You lose the conscious mind, relative speeds of operation become conscious in our awareness as the difference between the speed of reflex and regular speeds. 

Abstract mind is geometrically plastic, while the concrete mind is more logically analytical. 

Pattern Recognition 

Reality creates 20%, imagination 80%


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